CAD Design Software - Live Web Update

JUNE 30, 2020 - Live Web Update Service Change:

New ARX files are required to access our recently updated Live Web Update Service for EPD 8.2:

  1. Close/Exit EPD

  2. Download this Zip file ->

  3. Unzip / Extract the *.ARX files in your local ..\CAD Design Software\EPD 8.2\ACAD64\ folder and OVERWRITE files

  4. Start EPD and Live Web Update will now work.

To activate this function, go to the CAD DESIGN SOFTWARE pull-down menu and select LIVE WEB UPDATE.

  • The CDS Update dialog box appears with options to set proxy/firewall settings, create a Backup of current files (for reverting back to previous files) and also an UnConditional Update (e.g. will download ALL files from LWU without comparing timestamps).

  • Pick the Click to begin updating CDS Software.

  • Live Web Update will compare the user’s current software files and update any new data files if needed. *This may a few minutes depending on the internet speed and the number of updates required

  • After completion, a report will be generated.

  • After updating is complete, you will need to close and restart the software.

  • When CDS is restarted, the updated software will be loaded and ready to run.

Control an Automatic Live Web Update Check upon Starting:

A startup dialog appears to allow user to check for recent updates to EPD software on startup each time, pre session (i.e Quit EPD and start again, will not do if opening drawings in same session or when starting a New drawing).

  • Once you select the 'Check for software updates before launching application' check box, pick OK and the checking will start.

  • If you select the 'Don't ask again' check box and pick OK, then no check will be run and the dialog will not appear anymore.

  • Also as a 3rd option, select both check boxes and the software will check always, without the dialog, until reset / re-enabled from the CDS Update dialog.

  • To 're-enable' the checking option dialog box to reappear again, run the EPDUPDATE command or pick Live Web Update from the menu and the CDS Update dialog will have a pop-down list to select. 

  • Select the 'Prompt for Startup Update' option to have the 'Startup Options' dialog re-appear as before to make the selection desired.

  • Select the 'No Startup Update' option to not show the 'Startup Options' (same as the Don't Ask check box)

  • Select the 'Always Check for Updates' to run Live Web Update each time EPD is opened in a single session.